Wednesday 22 April 2009

Work work work

Work has been interesting since I got back. I was quite alarmed to see that my inbox had 278 mails but about 70 of them were automated reports from the backup system and there wasn't anything catastrophic in the rest of them. It's been a slightly odd week as I'm off to London next week for a training course so it's been quite fiddly trying to get the important stuff done.

We've got BlackBerry devices now. They aren't bad to be fair but they have some strange quirks. For example it can open a PDF from an e-mail but not from the memory card, and the interface as a whole is quite strange and takes some getting used to.

Been playing both Lost and Damned on the 360 and Chinatown Wars on the DS, both good fun. I'm still finding the GTAIV mode of play a bit more challenging after so long on Saints Row 2 but I'm getting there.

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