Tuesday 7 April 2015

Random stuff

Not much to say really - work is much the same...not been to archery in a while...but the big thing is that my cousin passed away last Wednesday.

She'd been struggling for a while after the cancer returned and I went up to see her three weeks ago with special person to see how she was and drop off a new laptop. I knew she'd been having problems eating due to struggling to swallow, but the reality of seeing her at 7.5 stone was quite a shock. As well as dropping off the new laptop, we took her cat to the vet and did a few other jobs for her. The weekend before last, she went into hospital with a chest infection and it was too much for her to fight and she died last Wednesday morning. I heard about it in the evening from my sister and although we knew it was coming, it was still a massive shock. Due to various random communication issue, I heard it from my sister, and had to tell my brother in Berlin.

I've been gradually trying to process it over the weekend but it has been difficult.

In other news, not much to report really. I have upgraded my PC to a GTX 970 graphics card, which involved some modification to the case, but runs games very nicely. I've got Bioshock Infinite to replay on it and it looks amazing. There's probably other things to put on here but I can't really think of them right now.

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