Sunday 21 June 2009

Fun and things and stuff and noise

Yesterday was Vicky's birthday so we all met up at Andy's to watch the start of the F1 qualifying before heading up to the pub to watch the Lions game in the pub. This would have been better if they had won, but oh well.

After that it was back down to Andy's before heading off to Rhyl. Unfortunately I didn't take into account the weight of five people and the metal thing in the middle of Andy's driveway for the gate. It caught underneath and snapped the exhaust clean in half. Unfortunately this meant the car was now completely unsilenced, and was unbelievably loud. Not the first time I've had this experience.

We headed off to Rhyl which was very embarrassing due to the loud noise scaring people, dogs and small children. Fortunately there were no police about, so that was OK. The evening was pretty good with lots of people, gossip and drink and then a really good meal. Finally though Andy and I had to head back. Word had got about of the Car of Death (tm) and a small crowd gathered to watch us roar away. It was even worse with the engine cold and there were a few backfires too. I dropped Andy off and got home OK, although coming up the track was a worry as what was left of the exhaust kept bouncing up and down and smacking the floor.

So today I took it down to Lobitos on the coast road and they said it will be £120 for the part as the whole front end needs replacing and it includes the cat. Oh well.

Haven't done much else today, took the neck off the fretless bass and put it back on properly as it wasn't quite right and put new strings on it, and about to sit down and watch some more Monty Python.

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