Monday 6 July 2009

Weekend of fun

Friday night was spent with the gang at Caroline and Rob's, first having a rather tasty BBQ (lamb burgers and kebabs FTW!) , being entertained by their demented cat which climbs the apple tree and shakes apples onto your head, and then having a fest of Red Dwarf episodes. All good fun.

Saturday was spent round at my Dad's, as my cousin had come down from Preston. It was a good day, enlivened by a trip to Llandudno for a shopping trip. While my Dad's wife and my cousin went off to the shops, my Dad and I went to a video game shop and a music shop. I picked up a cheap copy of Dead Space for the 360 and lusted after a rather nice MTD bass which was pretty cheap at £280 - perhaps it was cheap due to the tasteless lime green strings that were on it.

Sunday was spent assembling my latest parts bass (a white Jazz type thing) before settling down to a good long session of Dead Space. I was tempted to get itwhen it first came out, and at £10, I thought it would be worth a go. It's a pretty decent game, though not very original in plot. The gameplay is pretty much like Bioshock in space with creatures from Silent Hill. It has some good ideas though, such as areas in vacuum and zero gravity and it ties in well with the story. I've done three chapters or so and it's decent so far.

Enough of the Michael Jackson crap already. I don't CARE about his brain being left out to dry while he's being buried in a gold coffin.

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