Thursday 16 September 2010


900th post.

A fairly ordinary week. Not much really to report. Found there are more caches gone live near home and a colleague and I went for one that had gone live yesterday, hoping to get first to find. Somehow we managed to time it so we arrived at the cache just as it poured down with rain, and got wet, and then found someone had got it an hour before - ARGH!

No drumming this week as the hall was booked out previously, boo.

Other than that not really done much. the inverter for the MacBook arrived today and I got it installed and the screen still flickers, although not as badly. Getting at the inverter was, surprise, a royal pain in the arse. Removing the screen bezel is easy but the cover over the hinges and the inverter is a rotten design. Officially you're supposed to remove the whole display assembly before taking it apart but that involves removing the fucking keyboard section and I'm not doing that again after last time. Wretched bloody thing. At least the screen should be swappable without too much hassle if I do buy a new one for it.

I haven't had a single drop of Coke since Sunday and I think I feel a lot better for it. I have been drinking Robinson's squash in work, which to be fair has it's own share of crap in it, but it's nowhere near as bad as Coke. I actually have a spare bottle of Diet Cherry Coke in my work laptop bag left over from last Friday, which I've been treating as a sort of test as I haven't opened it yet. The food hasn't been good this week mind you but the lack of Coke must help. Also been walking the dog a lot this week, which was fairly OK except the weather sucks rather a lot. Met a pair of friendly horses today poking their heads over a gate and demanding attention. Horses are alarming things really.

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