Friday 10 September 2010

A shit day with highlights

Some days, I really hate my job. Again, not the work itself, just the way it suddenly piles up from people with no consideration that you might actually have other work for other people that, shock horror, might be more important, and then get all stroppy about it. And BlackBerrys are NOT important, I don't care how much you want your shiny toy but it doesn't take precedence over someone who can't work because their machine has died.

It was someone's 21st birthday today and so there was a vast, beautiful chocolate cake, and we all had chips for lunch. This was mildly cheering until I felt sick all evening, so much so that I didn't go to badminton. Throwing up on the court might not have been liked. Did take the bike out for a little jaunt and it went really well. Oh, except the headlight seems to have stopped working. Bah!

Really tired and dispirited this evening. Can't be arsed doing anything. Tried to play bass, failed, tried to play Xbox, failed, so just listening to music.

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