Saturday 1 September 2012

Bah wind

Went out for a bike ride today on the road bike, which is the first time I've ridden it properly. There's a road nearby that's been recently resurfaced so I thought it would be idea. It was nearly a good ride, but the road is not that flat, and is uphill the way I was going. Despite the road gearing I could probably have coped except it was ridiculously windy against me so it made it very hard. I did a couple of miles and then turned around and came back down the hill, which was great fun. The road bike feels great, very different from the mountain bike and I like the drop bars and brake lever shifters.

I think I may have lost a bit of weight, which is a nice feeling. I've been 15 stone for a long time, which I suppose in a way isn't bad since it stayed consistent.

Watched the pilot of Firefly again - I've been pestered by so many people to give it another go, and Steve lent me the Bluray version. I watched the pilot years ago and hated it, but I think I must have been in a funny mood or something since I liked it this time, and apparently the pilot is crap and it gets a lot better. So looking forward to the rest of it now.

I also watched In Bruges which Steve had also lent me. I didn't know what to expect, but really enjoyed it. A really good black comedy. Kind of makes me want to visit Belgium too, would be somewhere new to see. Also waffles.

The payments on the credit cards have definitely gone out. It's a curious feeling to be finally debt-free for the first time in years, although I should have managed it ages ago if I hadn't been so crap.

Not much else to report. Gangnam Style by PSY is going completely mental, which is quite odd. My Mum has finally trashed my original launch week DS by breaking the hinge, but since she's already worn most of the paint off and ruined the touch screen by using a knitting needle as a stylus, it was already due for replacement. I'll put it to one side though, I'm sure with a bit of TLC and some parts it can be repaired.

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