Wednesday 19 September 2012

Weird days

Sunday was good - did a circuit of the Brenig in 1h 9m, which wasn't too bad. It was windy again and a bit wet too. My time would have been better if I hadn't had to keep stopping and dry my glasses.

The rest of the week has been mainly work, which is being interesting due to the massive reconfiguration of the backup system. I had to have an unsociable morning today, I loaded up my iPod with the entire Offspring back catalogue and sat listening to that on headphones while doing a gigantic spreadsheet of how it will all work.

Otherwise it's been quiet. I dug out the Nintendo Virtual Boy that's been sat around for a while and got the 6 AA batteries it needs to run. It still works but the right screen is dodgy, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Apparently it's a common issue with a few fixes, but due to it's rarity I don't want to take it apart so I've listed it on Ebay as-is. They were never imported to the UK so there aren't many around, so hopefully it will sell.

My skin is playing up for the first time in ages, my face has gone a bit flaky and I've got a massive spot on my back which is really, really annoying. Bah.

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