Saturday 28 December 2013

That's it for another year...

Christmas was OK. As usual I split the day between my parents, heading over to my Dad's place for lunch and the Queen's speech.

Since then it's been fairly uneventful. Steve has lent me Stargate SG-1 season 2 so I've started that and I'm also now on South Park season 5, so I'm flipping between those, which is an interesting contrast. I also did some side missions on GTA V that were leftover. I still think it had a pretty good campaign but now it's complete I'm not really too fussed about carrying on with it, or trying to get 100%. A colleague in work is going to borrow it on Monday anyway.

Rob and Em got me a book called Ready Player One. It's set in the future, but focused around the 80's. In particular video games and that sort of thing, so it's pretty much the geekiest book of all time. Needless to say, I really enjoyed it.

Also been noodling around on the bass after that band I saw last weekend inspired me to play it more often. My amp is shit though, if I wasn't trying to be financially sensible and reduce clutter I'd look into getting a new one.

I got a reply from the computer museum that I offered my old stuff for. They want a fair few things, but not all of it. They have a drop off point in Stoke-on-Trent, which isn't too far away, but they want it boxed, which is somewhat annoying. I'm going to sort the stuff out tomorrow and try and work out how many boxes it'll take and I suppose put a distress call out on Facebook for boxes or something. Not sure what to do with the rest of it that they don't want. I'll probably stick it on Ebay as a job lot for collection only - I don't care if it only goes for a tenner, the aim is to get rid of it all.

Started to feel rough last night. There's been a few colds going around and I started to hope I'd managed to avoid them this time, but apparently not. So far I don't feel all that bad, just a bit bunged up and achy.

For no apparent reason my left knee started twinging a little on Monday, and by Christmas day it was incredibly painful, making walking and driving difficult. The last time I did anything strenuous was the Friday before Christmas at the gym, and if that was the cause, I don't know why it took a few days to start aching. It's almost OK again now though, but it was really annoying because Andy suggested going up Moel Famau on Boxing Day, and the weather that day would have been perfect. My knees have been fine since I stopped playing badminton in September, so I was hoping it was the stress from badminton that was messing them up - but apparently not.

Not being able to move around much and eating my own bodyweight in chocolate and other crap has left me feeling pretty dreadful on the whole, so I went out shopping today and got some reasonably healthy food.

My face has gone all fucked up and flaky again, which I've noticed tends to happen if my diet is bad for more than a few days. Apples never tasted so good! Need to get exercising again too. Looking forward to the new Run for Fun course in January, although it's going to be quite different from the last time as it's now winter.

Back to work on Monday, but I'm hoping it'll be nice and quiet.

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