Thursday 12 December 2013

The Office of Temptation

Last weekend was OK, spent much of Sunday catching up on things that people have lent me and I've been crap at watching. I watched Once Upon a Time in America, which Andy lent me a while back. I really liked that, and was amazed at how long it turned out to be. I didn't read the running time, and just watched it all in one go. Very good.

After that I've been watching the first season of Stargate SG-1 that Steve lent me ages ago. I wasn't sure at first after the pilot, but so far it's been quite good. I'm also conscious that things can generally be a bit crappy at first so I'm trying to give it a good chance.

This week has been OK. Monday evening was Circuits again. It was a bit hard after missing it last week, and somehow I really screwed up some muscles in my thighs. I was all set to go to the gym last night, but my legs were so stiff I just couldn't do it. Not in a bad way but in a holy fuck that was hard exercise way. I had to go to the gym tonight instead, but fortunately had a really good workout, despite feeling tired and sluggish before I went.

Every day this week someone has brought a tub of Quality Street into the office, which is a bit frustrating when I'm trying to crack down on my eating again. I try to not eat any and eat apples or bananas instead, which mostly sort of works. I weighed myself on the scales at home the other day and it came back with 90kg, so I'm back where I started. Frustrating. I keep telling myself the scales are off or it's new muscle rather than fat but that doesn't really convince me.

The running club is starting a new Run for Fun course in January. I've decided I'm going to do it again and try and get back into running, and two colleagues in work have said they will do it too. I've been reading quite a bit about running, including the blog of one of the Olympic marathon runners and it's really interesting. The fitness required at that level is pretty amazing.

Despite my lack of weight loss, I at least feel a lot fitter these days, so that's good. I look back to less than a year ago when I couldn't even go up the stairs in work without feeling like I was going to die or even go on the cross trainer at the gym at a sensible level for more than a few minutes, and I know I've improved on that score. Just wish I could lose some weight.

Bit tired now, I had one of those annoying things where I woke up at 3am and my mind started racing and worrying about things. Took a while to get back to sleep again. I read for a bit and things but I think it was eventually listening to Motley Crue that lulled me to sleep again.

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