Wednesday 27 August 2014

Well well well

It's been quite eventful in some ways but not others.

Exercise has gone out the window and eating is out of control, but bringing it back now. I've reached the conclusion that I'm now too heavy to run effectively so I'm working on bringing my diet back under cotnrol and going to the gym.

Last weekend was busy and interesting. Saturday was visiting the film set for Ed's new movie. I was to double for James Cosmo as he wasn't too keen on spending ages lying on the floor dead. There was a lot of standing around and waiting but it was fascinating to see a proper scale movie being made. Also I had to wear James Cosmo's actual clothes which were rather big for me, and actually being on set with Gareth David Lloyd was pretty cool, if slightly intimidating.

Sunday was the archery clout shoot. I borrowed Rob's old recurve. It was really good fun to just launch arrows into the air as far as they could go. Unfortunately my arrows either fell short or didn't go near the flag so I came last. Still really good fun though and the weather held out until just after the finish when it started raining. The week before was the tag archery with the field laid out so you could run around shooting squashy arrows at each other. It was ridiculously good fun and very energetic. So that's two weeks I've not had a chance to shoot Blue Steel. This Sunday though, definitely. I have also got hold of a Carter Chocolate Addiction release aid for it. It's much, much nicer than the Booster one that came with the bow, and is much easier to clip onto the string. Also, it has the MOST appropriate name for me, hah.

Started Voyager season 7 and it's much like the rest of it, a few good episodes and a lot of meh. Reached level 30 in Skyrim and it's suddenly got harder, which is proving frustrating. Still really good fun though.

Work has been OK. I've written a very long and boring document on the procedure for recovering the AS/400 from scratch. It was a pain in the arse but on the plus side I've learnt a load mroe about the system and how it works. The big test now is for my colleague to repeat the process from scratch using my document.

I've finally decided to spend a bit of cash on the car after neglecting the poor thing since I had it. It's having four new tyres and the tracking sorted out tomorrow and then I'll get it booked in for a service.

On a whim I fired up Minecraft on the Yoga 13 today, having not played it since I sold the Alienware machines earlier this year. Much to my surprise it played perfectly fine using the processor's internal graphics. The fan sped up quite a bit as the machine started to get warm but the CPU never went over 70 degrees, which is pretty impressive. I did think about trying it on the Yoga 2 Pro which has a newer Haswell CPU but I don't think it would run well at 3200x1800 resolution. Also randomly found an Asteroids-type game I used to play on my old Acorn Archimedes called Spheres of Chaos is still being developed and there's a fully modernised version for the PC. It's hard to play but good fun and has crazy visuals. I absolutely adore the Yoga 13, it's the perfect size and shape and the fact it can have more RAM and has two SSD slots is amazing. The Pro 2 does have the 3200x1800 screen but otherwise it's a step back with only a single SSD slot and soldered RAM.

The big Asus G73 is still running nicely but I think the heatsinks might need cleaning. The only problem with that is the amount of dismantling it takes to get to them. If I did it though, I could also get to the fourth memory slot, which is stupidly on top of the motherboard, and in theory put even more RAM in it. 20gb is crazy enough though I guess, but it's brilliant to be able to fire up VMs without worrying about RAM.

The house sale is still going through, forms have been flying back and forth and the buyers had a survery done today. I've been collecting boxes from work and it's probably about time we started to actually pack things.

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