Thursday 11 September 2014


Misc things. Work has been OK, and my manager is currently on two weeks leave which makes things a little more peaceful.

Archery has been good fun. I've finally had the chance to shoot my new bow. The first week was quite tough, I got roped into doing at least 90 arrows by two other compound archers, and by the end my arms felt like they were going to fall off. The second week was a lot better, fewer arrows, but my arms felt a lot happier. The first session was a bit of a nightmare as I had no sight marks. My first arrow went into the frame of the foam boss, two and a half inches in. We had to dig out the wood around it, and then it took three of us pulling at once to get it out. Amazingly we managed to do it without damaging it.

Had a good clearout of the living room last Saturday. Took some stuff to the tip, burnt some other stuff and donated a load to charity. Annoyingly the room doesn't look much emptier, but it has helped. Also found a load of old photographs, which were quite interesting to look back on.

I've been watching the new Doctor Who on iPlayer. Not all that impressed so far, I think Peter Capaldi has a lot of potential, but the writing, particuarly the Sherwood one, has been quite ropey.

The house sale seems to be proceeding, hopefully all is still good. We shall see.

The car has finally had some attention. It's had four new tyres and a service, but they said after the service that it needed a wheel bearing, the accelerator cable replacing and all the brake fluid replacing ASAP. It had the rest of that done today, but fortunately they were able to sort out the existing accelerator cable. This means of course the pedal is much lighter so I keep accelerating harder than I mean to. The exhaust is still blowing but that can wait until payday.

I've gone and lost my work ID, which is a problem because I can't open the doors without it. I've got no idea where it's gone. I went to the gym yesterday evening and thought I'd left it there, but they hadn't seen it when I asked this morning. I scoured the house and car this evening but couldn't find it. Bah.

Last week we finally resumed D&D on the Tuesday and did the final battle in Steve's campaign. This means it's now my turn to be DM, which I was pretty worried about. My first go was on Tuesday and my plan to get the group together with Rob G's new character and Steve's character worked out OK, and it was pretty good fun. It's a nightmare trying to anticipate everything the characters will do though. Also, it was probably the first D&D session ever without ludicrous amounts of snacks, which is a good thing as I've been quite good this week with food, and have been to the gym twice.

Fired up Skyrim for the first time in a while. I've put so many hours into it that I feel I must now finish it, but I have to admit it's becoming a bit of a chore. I'm hearing good things about Destiiny, I might look into picking that up come payday.

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