Saturday 27 December 2008

Picking at the corpse

Went to Denbigh to see what was going on in Woolies as it was the last day it would be open. It was quite weird as loads of shelves were empty. In fact the shelves themselves were for sale along with pretty much everything else except the actual cash registers. I ended up with South Park season 8 on DVD for £4 and a new iPod universal dock for the same price because it wasn't registered on the system, and at that point the staff didn't really give a toss. They had some 360 games left but only crappy wrestling ones. I haven't seen any South Park since the movie, but the episodes I've watched so far have been quite funny. The iPod dock works great with the touch once the adapter it came with was fitted, which is nice.

Other than that haven't done much except have a go at some missions on Saint's Row 2. I've not done any more main missions, instead I've been having a go at some of the activities and diversions, some of which are actually pretty good fun. The Hitman missions are OK except I'm sat around on a pirate ship waiting for some tosser in a pirate suit to turn up.

I've resurrected the 1 string bass as a dual course slide bass, so it has two strings tuned to G an octave apart. Sounds quite interesting. However the strings are slicing through the crappy piece of wood I used for a bridge so need to find something different.

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