Saturday 15 May 2010


Not been a particularly good day. Couldn't get motivated to do anything so slobbed about in front of the Xbox with snacks. Now feel very fat and guilty.

A relatively uneventful week, although badminton on Thursday was great. The Evil One was there, but fortunately there was the right amount of people there so that Rob, Em and I ended up playing constantly with another woman who is closer to our age. We had some great games, and a hysterical rally where we just smashed it back and forth for several shots until I slammed it into the net, at which point we all cried with laughter. Not sure quite why it was so funny but it was.

Listed some more stuff on Ebay. My Psion collection is dwindling rapidly, and it's something of an odd feeling to be getting rid of something that I once considered so important. But times change and now I look back and wonder why those things meant so much. Odd. But hopefully a good thing.

Tired of fuel prices going up. The Focus is now costing more to fill up than the Discovery did when I first got it, which seems a little mad. It's not that great on fuel either. The MOT comes up on the 2nd July and it's going to need a fair bit of work, although I've known that for a while so I think I'm relatively prepared.

I was planning to go back to Berlin in June but decided I can't because of the car, but hopefully looking to go in July or August, and possibly September when the marathon is. Haven't done much German for a while, need to keep up with it.

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