Saturday 22 May 2010


It's bloody warm.

Red Dead Redemption is good fun, bought it on a whim last night, not realising it was the day of release. It really is Grand Theft Horse, but that's not a bad thing except I kept trying to do handbrake turns on the horse the first few times I rode one.

Had a good time in Free Roam with Will this morning, and it led to another classic gaming moment. We had stolen a wagon with two horses and decided to see what would happen if we drove it off a cliff. Expecting to perish on impact, we were suprised to find that while the wagon disintegrated and the horses died, we were left standing on the ground, unhurt, confronted by some hapless Xbox Live player who had been minding his own business, only to have us literally drop out of the sky on top of him. It was very funny.

Not done much else today. Posted the latest Ebay sale and luxuriated in the working air conditioning in the Focus while driving to and from town. It's not the first car I've had with air conditioning, but it's the first one where it actually worked.

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