Wednesday 19 March 2014

Fun geekery

Running was OK on Monday - this time it was a full 30 minute run. I quite enjoyed it but felt it at the end. I'm not sure what I'll manage in the 5k on Friday.

The Santa Fe is still going OK. It does like it's fuel, but I only realised after a couple of days that it has a naughty habit of turning on the air conditioning automatically when you restart it, which probably hasn't helped. It proved it's worth tonight though when the guy came to pick up the first load of vintage computer stuff, plenty of room in the back.

Had a nice geeky evening tonight for the first time in ages. I've been watching so much Breaking Bad and South Park that I've done little else. After shuffling the computers around recently, I had a spare 240gb Crucial SSD left over. I took the 500gb hard drive out of the second bay in the Asus G73 and put the SSD in there instead. The 500gb drive was noisy and slow anyway.

The G73 now has 20gb RAM and two 240gb SSDs. Combined with a quad-core i7, it makes it something of a beast, even if it's nearly four years old. Tonight I installed Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 into VirtualBox machines and gave them 2gb RAM each. The installs ran ludicrously quickly as they went from ISOs on one SSD to the virtual hard drives on the other SSD. The machine ran all three machines perfectly at the same time as using Firefox and iTunes on the host install of Windows 8 with no trouble at all. I need to learn about AD so it's a nice little test setup. So far I've created a domain and got the two client machines joined to it, and can log into the domain from them.

All good fun. Tomorrow evening the guy will come and get the rest of the computer stuff and then on Friday it's the 5k. After that I need to work on increasing my distance to a 10k, a scary prospect.

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