Sunday 23 March 2014

New PB

The 5k went OK on Friday evening. It started at 19:45 on the cycle race track in Rhyl, and consisted of four laps of the track. The weather wasn't looking good, but it was fine for the first lap. But then it really started to lash it down with plenty of wind and rain, so the three remaining laps weren't much fun. Dave from work and I were being paced for 35 minutes by one of the Harriers, although we went off a little fast. By the start of the third lap though, I was feeling more comfortable and put on a bit of speed, and even managed to put some effort into a sprint (ha) finish. Not sure of my official time yet as due to a combination of rain and steam, I couldn't see a thing through my glasses and didn't see the clock as I finished. The Harrier I was running with said it was about 33:10, which is nearly four minutes better than my last 5k.

Yesterday went to look at bikes with Andy, but the places we went weren't very helpful and didn't have much of a selection, so it wasn't a very productive day in that regard. We did pick up some bits and pieces though. I would like a new bike at some point but not sure that right now is the time to get one, with the house stuff going on and everything.

I finally finished Breaking Bad. I'm still processing it really, but what a good series it's been. One of those rare instances where it lived up to the hype.

Today I've been going through my books and clearing out those I don't want any more, which is most of them. I've got several full binbags ready to go now. I have kept a list of all those that are going though, for future reference. Found an ancient copy of the Citadel of Chaos, one of the Steve Jackson Fighting Fantasy game books. I really enjoyed it back in the day, so was pissed to find that mice had eaten most of it. Balls.

Only four days in work this week and then it's off to Berlin on Friday.

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