Sunday 15 March 2009

A great weekend

Yesterday was pretty good. Didn't do much in the morning, just slobbed around a bit and then it was time to head over to Rob and Em's for the rugby. I managed to provoke a huge tirade of abuse from Rob by waving a piece of cheese with caramelised onion in it, which Morrisons are doing at the moment. It's really, really nice. I also had carrot sticks and a tub of humous with caramelised onion and roast garlic. Although Rob wasn't able to help, there were plenty of volunteers to help and the cheese disappeared alarmingly rapidly.

The rugby itself wasn't particularly inspiring. The Wales game provoked many groans of dismay and the one after was mostly ignored. This was followed by a rather amazing batch of chilli and home made rolls and then lots of conversation and hilarity and all sorts of stuff.

Today has been busy in a good way. Took the car to town to wash it, got some better headlight bulbs for it, and worked out how to route the cable to hook the iPod shuffle up and while I was in town, threw away some crap I don't need. After that, walked the dog, and watched the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie, which isn't great but does have some good bits. This evening downloaded the Lost and Damned expansion for GTA IV after having a go on Duke Nukem 3D on the 360, which seems a lot harder than I remember.

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