Tuesday 3 March 2009

Holidays = nice

I had yesterday and today off as annual leave. Mainly because last year I pretty much didn't take any holidays at all and I had a lot to use up. It worked out OK though as yesterday my Mum had a a hospital appointment, and today my Dad and his wife moved house.

Yesterday was a fairly uninspiring day, didn't really do all that much, just slobbed around and watched a couple of DVDs. Also did something that I've been meaning to do and watch the bit in the first Star Trek movie where two people die in a transporter accident. I was quite young when I saw that for the first time and it absolutely traumatised me. The distorted and agonised screams emanating from the blurry misshapen form caught in the beam was utterly horrific for some reason. It wasn't as bad this time around, but it still wasn't very nice. I once glanced at that section from the novelisation and that was even worse, going into graphic detail about organs pumping outside the body and things. There have been worse and more graphic accidents since, mind you.

Today was helping out my Dad and his wife move. They had some very efficient removal people so the morning was standing around a lot before loading some stuff into my car and heading over to the new house. It's not as far to drive from home, so that's good. I spent much of the afternoon unpacking the kitchen stuff and attempting to work out just how the 40" plasma connected to all the various boxes. Lunch consisted of sandwiches from Sainsbury's and the evening meal was a quick takeaway from a nearby Pizza Hut. I never realised just how well caramelised onion worked on a pizza before, but it does. Mind you I've had caramelised onion in basically every way possible since I found out it existed a couple of years ago.

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