Monday 26 April 2010

Zombie hilarity

Sunday was good, had another transatlantic D&D session with Steve and Kara, with Will joining in this time. It was pretty good fun, really enjoyable, although annoyingly it was a rather nice day outside.

Today was meh, but then came home to have a go on Left 4 Dead with Rob and Will online. It was absolutely fantastic, a complete hoot. Watching out for each other's backs and sharing the panic as zombies suddenly piled into the area was really good fun, as was watching the hapless computer controlled fourth player get dragged away by the tongue zombie, puked on by the fat one or simply ignited on fire by Rob's carelessly thrown petrol can. It definitely seems to be a game built for multiplayer as I can't see the single player being anywhere near as fun. Can't wait for the next session.

Was going to the gym this evening but didn't make it due to a ridiculous combination of events, basically I lost my Technogym key in town, spent ages looking for it, discovered it had been handed in at the gym, then nearly ran out of petrol as I arrived home having wasted too much time to actually make it to the gym. It's lucky I keep a can of petrol for the strimmer.

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