Sunday 10 February 2013

Bitchy tantrum

In a hacked off ranty mood.

The latest version of iTunes is complete total shite. The new layout is completely senseless and makes things unnecessarily difficult to find, the new search is useless, finding anything in it is a complete ballache, and what stupid cunt decided it would be a good idea to have no border at all on the window? Total cobblers. Hate it. It's about time that Apple fucked off and died again so we can get back to software and hardware that isn't just designed to look pretty above all else, including usability. It would be nice to go into a shop and not see rows and rows of laptops that nearly all attempt to imitate the look of Apple machines.

Also decided to have a go on GTA IV again. It's been years since I played it and I'd almost forgotten about it after the much superior Saints Row 2 and the not quite so superior Saints Row 3. But I thought that perhaps I'd been too harsh, and GTA IV deserved another chance. Nope, I was wrong. What a pile of shit. Idiotic, hypocritical unlikeable characters, awkward controls, tedious and repetitive missions, and just generally pointless and boring gameplay. Ironically, the one thing I liked about it - the car physics, is the feature that everyone else hated.

Otherwise all I've done today is make a batch of chilli and consume it in front of Star Trek and that's about it. The chilli came out really nice though, so that was good. Also listed a couple of old Macs I found downstairs on Ebay. One of them was dead but the other one powered up all right and I spent a few minutes reliving the old days of System 7.5. Curious times.

I think I might be coming down with something, if so it could be the cause of my crappy mood today.

Then again I just found the new EP by Jason Newsted, ex-bassist of Metallica. It's pretty fucking good and has cheered me up a bit.

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