Monday 25 February 2013

Whammy bar

OK day in work, much of a muchness.

Circuit training after work. It was hard this evening and my legs complained bitterly, especially the front of my shins for some things. Very knackering. Also went for a brisk 2 mile walk at lunchtime with Steve P in work, which was good. It's odd walking down a road that I've driven down so many times and noticing so many details I hadn't seen before.

Came home and decided to try and tune the Razorback to something sensible since I had no idea what the hell it was supposed to be set up for as both E and D tunings weren't in reach of the fine tuners. I've never tried to set up a Floyd Rose style tremolo before so it was a bit of a learning curve. It's a right faff as it has to be level with the body which then means adjusting the strings in the back to match the string tension, but then as you tune it, it goes off whack again and it's a bit of a balancing act. After a bit though I got it set up in standard E tuning, and happily once the strings were locked down it only needed a very little tweaking on the fine tuners and it was all good. Sounds better now anyway.

Still no Vodafone signal at home. Faults have been logged on the website for our postcode but no update yet. I hope it's not something permanent like they've moved a mast or something.

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