Sunday 20 April 2014


Last week was a bit meh. Work was OK until the Thursday. Typically a server decided to have a hardware fault and needed a call logged. Fun fun.

Thursday evening was the badminton club night out in the pub, which I went along for. It was a good evening but I didn't stay out too late due to the hassle in work and generally feeling tired. Andy did however tell me about the Easter Dash 5k in Llandudno and said we should do it.

Friday was a fairly quiet day. I had been planning to go for a run but decided not to with the 5k yesterday. I didn't do very much apart from do some tidying for the house viewing on Saturday and finish South Park season 13.

The 5k on Saturday morning was an odd one. It was the first real run I'd done in nearly two weeks at that point, and I thought I'd done terribly as it felt like I'd had to walk half the bloody thing. The course was from the middle of the promenade, up to the pier, back down and then back to the middle again. The middle part was into a strong headwind, which was a nightmare. But when we got the results I was astonished to find I'd only done about 30 seconds slower than my PB at the Marsh Tracks. Andy did very well, coming in under 27 minutes.

The viewing in the afternoon was not a success. The people had been expecting the land to be much flatter, so it wasn't right for their requirements at all. Also the woman was very tall and found the low ceilings a problem. However there is another viewing on Wednesday.

Today was off to the second lesson in the Wrexham archery club beginner course. It was good fun again, but I was feeling it quite a lot from the run yesterday so my body was already aching by the time we got there. We got shown how to assemble the bows this time, which was oddly satisfying, and then did some shooting from further away and learnt how to adjust the sights. Good fun indeed.

This afternoon I wasn't in the mood to do anything useful so I just spent the remainder of the day watching the Dark Knight trilogy. I got it for my birthday last year but never quite got around to it. It's really goood but I forgot how long the second and third films are.

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