Saturday 14 June 2014

A thoroughly shitty week

Last weekend was good after the car failure. On Saturday it was my Dad's 80th birthday so my two brothers came down and my sister too. We met up at my Dad's house and had a good catch up before going out for a meal. My oldest brother and his wife had been exploring the local canals on a narrow boat, including the 'Pontyclitoris' aqueduct as he annoyingly called it. My other brother is over from Germany with his girlfriend, and they had hired a car to take a trip around the UK for a couple of weeks. The meal was good and then we headed back to the house for more chatter.

On Sunday I met up with them again at my sister's house and we went over to her husband's parent's house for a civilised cup of coffee and things, and then headed back to mine. It was a really good day.

This week has been shit since then. Work has been annoying and I've been trying to find a replacement car but since it's me I was getting all neurotic about it and was scared that whatever I get will be a disaster.

Then on Friday I was taking my Mum's car to work again and the bloody thing died in exactly the same way it did a month ago leaving me completely stranded. At least this time I was able to get it turned round. Then, later on while I was getting some shopping with my Dad who had come over, I managed to drop my S4 on the track. Of course it landed face down on a rock which shattered the screen, which led to a bit of a downer on top of everything else. The problem now is that I've moved my number to a MicroSIM which won't work in anything else I have.

Today was Vicky's birthday meal in Rhyl. Rob G and Chelsea kindly gave me a lift, which was great. It was in the usual Italian place which was pretty good except they did cock up some of the orders a bit.

I have sorted out a car but won't pick it up unti the end of the day on Monday, which is a bit of a pain. Hopefully it'll be OK though. Mum's car has been confirmed as suffering the same failure as last time, but they can't get the part until Tuesday.

I've been failing to exercise again this week due to the stress of it all and have eaten like crap again which is a bit depressing. My evenings have largely consisted of rewatching Voyager and playing Skyrim. My character in Skyrim is going OK but the quests just keep coming. It's good though and I really like the various areas of the game and all the different things you can do.

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