Friday 6 June 2014

Bloody cars

It's been an OK week in work, slightly disorganised but things getting there eventually.

The most notable thing this week was the car dying. After it performed OK on the trip up to Kirkham last weekend, it started making a loud ticking sound on Wednesday evening. The garage had a look at it on Thursday after lending me a car to get home with, and decided the top end had issues, and it might go on like that for a while. Unfortunately by the time I got home it had developed some horrendous knocking noises and so the engine is toast. Typical. It's now been listed on Ebay for parts and I'll have to find something else. I'm half tempted to give Rob P a grand and get him to find me a car because I clearly suck at it.

In spectacularly bad timing I bought a Samsung Galaxy S4 off someone in work. I've been setting it up but have been handicapped by it requiring a MicroSIM. My original SIM card from 1999 is too old fashioned to be cut down into the right size, so I'll have to get my number moved to a new SIM in a Vodafone shope. The S4 is really nice and much lighter than the Note. It's crazy to think that I have a computer with a quad-core CPU, 2gb RAM, 64gb storage and a 1920x1080 screen that fits in my pocket.

Not going to worry about the car until next week as it's my Dad's 80th birthday tomorrow and then hopefully archery on Sunday after missing it last week.

I shaved my head and face today after letting them get a bit shaggy, feels good and I'm always surprised at how many years it knocks off. What's left of my hair is greying rapidly and so is my beard.

Been working on the Guitar Hero controller that will be part of my costume for the Kent BBQ in a couple of weeks time. The red paint came out surprisingly well on the removable cover and when I test fitted it back onto the controller it looked great. I've finished it now and applied a couple of layers of varnish, hopefully it'll look good once it's dried.

Not much else to report really.

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