Monday 30 April 2007

A mysterious encounter

I was taking my daily walk with the Idiot Hound* and had a rather strange encounter. One of the nice things about walking around the quiet country lanes is that you very rarely meet anything. Sometimes a car might go past, or perhaps even someone on a horse, or even maybe someone with another dog. This can be a good thing if it's a woman I meet every so often who has two lovely greyhounds, or bad if it's the couple down the road with an insane dachshund who thinks it can take on my dog when it barely reaches past his ankles.

Anyway, I was walking along in a kind of walking doze, you know how it is when you know the way, you don't have to be anywhere and the weather is good. I was deep in thought about something when suddenly a loud female voice cried "She's so lucky!". This was rather startling, and I looked up to encounter a female jogger hurtling towards me. What was odd that she didn't appear to be on a mobile phone or wearing an MP3 player, so why she would say that out loud at the top of her voice is beyond me. Anyway she jogged past without any more words, so perhaps she was talking to herself.

Picture is of a highway near San Francisco which collapsed due to a tanker fire. Looks really weird how the road is all bent like a blanket.

Played the Command & Conquer 3 demo from Xbox Live briefly. It seems fairly typical strategy stuff, and I remembered how I loved building up an army in Warcraft II and then going out to slaughter the enemy.

Bored and tired now, so just some links:

Excruciating Windows 95 training video with Matthew Perry and Jennifer Aniston.
Some insanely cool monitor setups that make my dual head system seem a bit...shit.

* Idiot Hound = a friendly name for a not at all stupid and very lovable greyhound.

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