Spent some of the evening trying to adjust a laser in an Xbox 360 which refuses to load 360 games, but plays DVDs. I've reached the depressing conclusion that it is not the laser and the drive firmware has been messed with, probably by some 'tard that wanted to play pirated games. From what I can gather, if the drive firmware isn't flashed with the correct key, the motherboard will play DVDs and CDs, but will never load an Xbox or 360 game ever again or at least until some enterprising individual comes up with a way to make it work. Oh well, I can now take a 360 apart in approximately two minutes, which I'm sure will come in useful...right?
Many MANY years ago, when I was about 10, I was given a tape which had lots of Glam Metal tracks on it. I had no idea what I was listening to as it wasn't labelled, but I eventually found out most of them were Mötley Crüe. I just found a video for the track 'Kickstart my Heart' on YouTube, and it was rather a shock. It is so VERY glam, it's upsetting. Also there's a track called 'She Goes Down' where the first thing you hear is a zip being undone and a woman's laugh. To me the laugh sounds rather sarcastic, if a woman laughed like that when I got my todger out, it would be extremely humiliating. That track was a complete mystery to me at that tender age, along with AC/DC's 'Giving the Dog a Bone', which is another very good track about the same subject. I never found out what the other tracks on that tape were, which is a shame as I'd like to hear them again.
Also found a Jackass episode where they took part in the Gumball 3000 race. I only found it because the car they took part in was a Jaguar XJ6, which is one of my favourite cars I'll probably never own. It's quite fun, apart from the bits where they do typical Jackass shite.
There was something else I was going to write, possibly regarding socks, but I can't remember what it was. Oh well. Let's face it though, how interesting can socks really be? Then again, one of mine tried to bite me the other day, so maybe...
Have you seen the 'I'm a Mac' adverts? Dont you just want to punch the Mac guy in the face for being such a smug bastard? At least in the UK versions. I can see what the adverts are trying to say but it just reinforces that apparent Elitist attitude that Mac users are seen as having. I hope I'm a nice Mac user, like the way I try to be a considerate 4x4 driver.
And the Optimus Prime toy for the upcoming Transformers movie looks like total shite. It's all crappy plastic and looks AWFUL, not helped by rather dubious redesign of the character in the first place. I was really looking forward to this, unt I saw the trailer. To me, the trailer made it look like 'wow, look, big CGI robots fighting and destroying things'. I hope I'm proved wrong, but I'm convinced it's going to be a huge pile of fetid dingo's kidneys.
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