Had a play on Saints Row on the Xbox 360 today. We didn't actually play any of the missions, instead we just ran people over and kicked and punched them while laughing hysterically at the ragdoll physics. Also there is a mode where you can make your character go all limp and floppy, which is absolutely hilarious. All this was made all the more funny by the fact that he was dressed as Santa. Watching people bounce off cars and walls is far funnier than it sounds. Especially when the cheat mode was activated where all the people in cars hate you. Leaping wildly out of the way to avoid a car which promptly smashes into a wall, sending the driver flying through the windscreen, is far too funny to be described here.
The Xbox 360 is a nice machine, it's quite hefty compared to the Wii, but it has a really nice controller and the games look pretty decent even on a normal TV.
Oh my God, just came across this video for Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi on YouTube. Back in the day, I absolutely loved this track, and it was an interesting experience hearing it again. I had a video that Bon Jovi did about the Slippery When Wet tour, and it was one of the things that made me want to play in a band. Scary stuff.

I had a go on a double neck acoustic like the one played in the video, except the 12 string neck was on top. It was BIG but fun. I wish I could play guitar better. When I saw the Bon Jovi video above, I found some tab for the intro and tried to learn it, with some success. Bass is my main instrument but I do like some of the stuff you can do on guitar too.
I hit Pro in Wii Bowling today - I had three games and got a record score in each one. I've never had such a good session of bowling before, so not sure what happened there.
People are finally noticing that I haven't cut my hair for a while. I had it long until 9 years ago and since then I've never let it grow longer than a centimetre or so. However I've decided to let it grow and see what happens. It's just got to the stage where it suddenly looks big, so I'd better do something with it soon.
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