Sunday 13 March 2011

Blam, kablooey

Didn't do all that much yesterday until the evening when I went round to Ed and Kat's. We ate pizza and watched Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Very strange film. Think it deserves a rewatching. Also ate chocolate so the exercise I did earlier in the day was completely negated.

Today went and dug bits of the track out where my car was catching and repaired the car door yet again. I watched another episode of Band of Brothers, and then settled down to play ME2 again. After I deleted some of my saves a little while back to get the DLC done, it was bugging me that the game was sat there unfinished. I found there was still some more DLC to be done, so I did that before progressing with the main game. I've kicked off the last mission but I've done it a little differently this time so will have to see how it goes.

The music in both ME games is bloody good too, really adds to the atmosphere. For some reason I really like this track which is featured in the lower level of the Afterlife club in the Omega station. It reminds me also of the mission where Shepard dances like an idiot which brought me to near hysterics when I saw it the first time.

Idiot dance:

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