Friday 11 March 2011

Oops, forgot to update

Forgot to update. Been a fairly decent week outside of work.

New shoes = ace. Really comfortable. Managed to eat pretty well until yesterday, when it was birthday cake in work and cheesy chips with a can of evil Coke for lunch. Today not much better.

Monday was pancakes with Andy and Maz which was great. Really enjoyed them and introduced Andy to the joys of Nutella, which when combined with ice cream on a pancake is really delicious.

Fixed my neighbours laptop, in return he's going to cut me out a bass body. I've got a plan to build an Ashbory bass in the shape of a Dean ML. I've got a bridge with piezo pickups in it, and he's got a huge slab of elm which should be pretty when it's all cut to size and shaped.

Thursday badminton was pretty decent as was the week before as She-Hagg was not there, so it was good fun. I did manage to get in the way of Rob as he smashed a shot and it hit me right on the pointy bit of my elbow and it really hurt. Kept getting twinges for the rest of the evening.

Sold the motorbike on Ebay. The guy came to collect it tonight and fortunately had a nice big Transit to put it in as it wouldn't start. Sad to see it go but I think it was about to need a shitload of work which I didn't have the expertise to do. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

Did a bit more of my ME1 guy. I managed to unlock four missions I missed the first time round by having a techy guy in the squad, so that was fun and interesting. Still trying to work out when I can get around to finishing ME2 again, including the remaining DLC I haven't done yet. It's a bit of an undertaking and I need to take time to prepare myself.

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