Monday 6 June 2011

Hectic day

Hectic day in work, rushed around all day doing stuff.

Tried to get a Nokia C3-01 to connect to a PC again. Fail. It's a piece of shit. Connects fine to my Windows 7 laptop but not to anything running XP, which is a bit of a sod when the user wants to download site photos from the thing. I haven't felt good about Nokia since the masterpiece that was the E90, and now...I don't know what it is but I can't stand them any more. Just using the dismal C3-01 makes me feel sick. I think it's because the diabolical N97 ruined Nokia for ever for me and then when it sold out to Microsoft...well.

After trying to get used to the Unity interface, I've sadly decided that Ubuntu has jumped the shark. Unity is slow, confusing, inconsistent and unfriendly. So I'm trying out Mint, which is one of the many forks of Ubuntu but is sticking to a more traditional Gnome interface. I'm currently installing it on the Acer 7741g which I was supposed to be selling but haven't got around to yet.

Feeling catastrophically tired this evening, not sure why. I did some more sanding of the car which left me aching like I'd done an upper body workout, which in a way I suppose it is.

Busy week. Tomorrow it's my Dad's birthday so I'm heading over there after work. Wednesday the car is finally having the driveshaft fitted, Thursday is badminton and then Friday I'm driving up to Kirkham to spend the weekend with my cousin.

Just had a good blast on Dragon Age. I keep sitting down to play it for a few minutes but then get drawn in and suddenly it's two hours later.

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