Well, it appears that I'm a real man, despite the evidence, as I really like Robocop. A couple of years ago I got the trilogy on DVD and the first one rocked. It brought back all the memories of watching a bad VHS copy at a friend's house when I was young. I remember being horrified by the guy getting shot by the ED-209 at the beginning. The second film was nowhere near as good as I remembered, and I forced myself to watch the third one, despite everything I'd heard. I can only imagine the horror of the various TV shows and animated series that came out afterwards.
Apparently real men wear kilts too. Tomorrow is Dress Down for Comic Relief day in work. If I had a kilt, I'd wear one. Well, perhaps not.
I went into work today in quite a good mood for some reason, and came home, disillusioned, depressed and for the first time in 2 years, actually thinking about looking for another job. Urgh.
Attached is a random image I made in Bryce. It's nothing particularly interesting but I think it came out OK. Bryce is fun to play with but I wish I had the time to sit down and get to grips with a real 3D program. I had a lot of fun with Lightwave in college, but it's still very expensive. There's free 3D programs but they are not as good I think.
Not a long entry today, think I'm going to cabbage out this evening and watch a DVD or something.
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