Saturday 24 March 2007

Wii wouldn't want it any other way

The Wii is possibly the greatest thing ever made. Yeah, you know the story, it's got people into games who wouldn't normally play, it's accessible, friendly, blah blah blah. But if you've never played on a Wii, then you can't understand the joy of holding the remote and watching it respond to your every movement. Yeah, some of the original launch titles had issues, the sword fighting in Red Steel was dreadful for example. But the DS had a bad few months after launch, and just look at the games catalogue now, there are some absolutely stunning games out for it. Given that the Wii is selling like...something incredibly popular, I'm sure we'll see some amazing games coming out for it.

What prompted this Wii love fest? Well, today was a very decent day. Walked the dog first thing, and then went round to a mate's house to spend the day watching rugby and playing Wii. I'm not massively fussed about rugby, but I'll watch it happily enough. It's quite possibly the most complicated game ever though, so I usually have no idea what's going on. This was followed by a long session of Wario Ware and Wii Sports. As I was the only one not drinking, you'd have thought I'd have had a distinct advantage - to a certain degree, maybe. Oh well, we played until we couldn't stand up any more and finished the day with a calm round of golf.

This is the latest I've been up for a while. Very tired now. Must sleep...

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