Tuesday 5 August 2008

Damn you Firefox

Firefox has crashed on me twice now, eating half written blog posts. God knows why but it seemed to suddenly have an aversion to Flash. Feck.

Anyway, the gist (yet again) was that I hadn't walked the dog today due to uncertain weather conditions, and that I was wanting to play Gregory Horror Show again after discussing it with Rob today. It was a very peculiar game, based on an anime show of the same name. For some reason it only cost £20 when it was new and got good reviews, so I picked it up.

It plays like a cartoon Resident Evil almost, but the characters in it are actually more disturbing than the monsters in RE. The two bears with axes stuck in their heads who can't work out why they have headaches, the little girl looking for her doll who has tantrums which can kill you, the boy with a roulette wheel built into the top of his head, and the huge pink lizard nurse who goes round draining people's blood with her enormous syringe. Even the mentor character in the early levels is Neko Zombie, a dead cat with his eyes and ears sewn up. The character that I always remember though is Judgement Boy, a living set of scales who would stop you all the time and perform judgements.

Here's an episode of the show featuring Judgement Boy. Weird stuff.

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