Sunday 24 August 2008


Thursday - nothing worth mentioning.

Spent the day in work on Friday feeling great relief that people will be back in next week and that it is a bank holiday weekend. The evening was spent round at Rob's with him, Will, Vicky and my Xbox 360. We played a lot of Call of Duty 4, Halo 3 and some other things. This combined with pizza and chocolate made it pretty much the perfect geekfest.

Saturday was spent watching a couple of DVDs before heading out for another geekfest with some people from my last workplace. Guitar Hero featured prominently in the evening as well as quite a few Wii games, a really good Chinese takeaway and a lot of snacks. Good stuff.

Today went to Rhyl in search of a Dremel so I can have a go at cutting out the pickguard for the Monstrosity, but I didn't realise they were so expensive - £50 for the cheapest one. I can't afford to spend that much on one, even though they are really useful. Especially as the sagging corner of the AX seems to have weakened more. It doesn't seem to sit any lower but it now makes a very loud clunk if you go over a hump too quickly or something, almost like it's bottoming out. So that'll need to be looked at next week.

I did however go to the car boot, which was made obligatory since as usual it was causing traffic chaos and I found I was pretty much trapped in the B&Q car park, which was opposite the field where it is held. It was pretty massive but didn't see anything too interesting. On the way back had a look in Woolies and found that the V TV series has been released. I realy liked it when they were showing it on Sky in the early 90's so I picked it up.

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