Wednesday 14 March 2012

ME3 overdose

Friday night was rugby in Eirias Park, which was really good. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was really good fun. The game was decent and the atmosphere was excellent. Possibly because it's quite a smaller stadium and therefore 'cosy'.

I didn't play Mass Effect at all on Saturday, instead I read books and caught up with The Tube on iPlayer. A programme about the London Underground really shouldn't be interesting, but it is. In the afternoon it was time for rugby watching at Rob and Em's, before we headed off for an Indian meal and Avenue Q in Rhyl. The meal was good, but they had technical problems at the show. Five minutes in, they blew the wiring for the lights, and after half an hour, decided to carry on with reduced lights. It didn't really matter too much, and it was still a good show. Good fun.

I had a lot more to do on ME2 than I thought, so it took all of Sunday and most of Monday to finish it, but I did at last finish it wth absolutely everything possible done.

Then it was time to fire up ME3, after pretty much a year of waiting. I won't say too much about it but what a game. What a fucking game. The graphics are ludicrously better and the control system is much slicker, but it's still Mass Effect to the core and it's a perfect continuation of the series.

It's a little buggy however. My list of missions for some reason constantly defaults to one I completed ages ago so I have to scroll every time to see the new ones. Sometimes Shepard just stares vacantly off to one side while talking to someone, which is funny. Also it refused to import the face from my ME2 save, so I had to recreate it.

I've played it far too much, only an hour or so on Monday due to D&D but nearly all of yesterday and today and I'm sure I've still got shitloads left to do.

Rob and I tried the multiplayer tonight, which seemed wildly unfair until we levelled up a bit and then Steve joined us and then it became fun. Shame that it's only basically the Horde mode, it would have been cool if they could have put some actual mission based multiplayer in there.

Not much to report really due to having done nothing but ME3. I've been off the Internet (other than blog and e-mail) for nearly a week now, which is proving interesting. Somewhat annoyingly, the weather has been really perfect. If it had been windy and raining, I'd have felt less guilty about sitting inside with the Xbox. But ME3 is the entire reason I took this week off work, so there it is.

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