Thursday 8 March 2012

A strange week

It's not been a very eventful week, which is why nothing got written. In work we've had the shadow of a proposed restructure hanging over us, which was particularly worrying since the union was involved. Ater all the worry though, it's the upper management that is affected, nothing really at my level. So that's OK, at least for a few months.

D&D was good on Monday, with a fourth person returning, so it works out a lot better. We finished the latest encounter with Rob doing his usual excellent DMing with inventive use of Lego and parcel tape to bring the environment to life. Really good fun.

The Prelude had the timing belt done yesterday. It was expensive, but the engine sounds much healthier and it even seems to run better. So that's good. I'm fairly skint now though.

Otherwise this week, outside of work I've just been progressing my latest Mass Effect 2 playthrough. I've gone all out this time to try and get absolutely everything done in it, although my OCD about looking at every single planet in the game means it's taken quite a lot of time so far. I'm definitely not going to finish it in time to start ME3 tomorrow, but since there's rugby and all sorts going on, it'll be Sunday now. But I've got all next week off to play, sad as that might be. I just hope the weather is shit so I don't feel too bad about spending my week off indoors...

I finally found a USB device that lets me stream DTS and Dolby Digital from the media playing laptop to my amp, but only over optical, so I need an optical switcher to swap between it and the 360. The device is a little thing made by Turtle Beach, and works perfectly.

Finished my latest reread of the Harry Potter books. It's certainly a decent enough experience and I think book 7 was probably one of the best ones although the epilogue is cheese incarnate. Not sure what to read now though.

Been feeling a little tired and depressed this week, probably from the stuff going on in work, and also from not doing fuck all except playing on the Xbox. Also in an attempt to not see any Mass Effect 3 spoilers, I've been avoiding the Internet to the point of even unhooking my 360 from the network so the dashboard doesn't show me anything. Bit challenging really, I didn't realise quite how much the Internet occupied my free time until I consciously stopped using it. Something to consider.

Feeling slightly desperate about my lack of ability to exercise. I know I need a new programme at the gym, so I might do that next week while I'm off and then hopefully get into that once ME3 is done and dusted.

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