Saturday 1 June 2013

Ouchy knee

DnD was good fun on Tuesday. The weather was horrible though, so Sarah decided to stay at home in Wrexham and not risk the journey to Denbigh, and joined us via Skype. It's not the first time we've played DnD via Skype and it worked really well.

On Wednesday and Thursday went to the gym. Wednesday was OK but Thursday was a mistake as I'd had some warning twinges from my right knee, and by Friday evening it was really painful. It would have been helpful if I could have stayed in and rested it but it was the leaving meal with people from work for the guy who I replaced. It was a good meal in the Denbigh Radhuni. The others went out for drinks afterward but I came home.

No bike ride today, which I was gutted about since I was looking forward to it, and it would have helped work off the meal last night. Andy and Rob G went out though and went on a variation of the route we did last week with more hills, however it was very steep and they found it a complete killer. I stayed in and rested my knee which has been feeling a bit better after being very painful this morning. It was a pretty nice day too, which made it worse.

Not much else to report. I've been playing a couple of games on the 3DS. The original 3DS wasn't great in my opinion, too small and awkward, but I spotted a cheap 3DS XL and decided to give it a go. The graphics are a bit more pixelly because of the larger screens, but it makes so much more sense as a bigger machine. I started out playing Monster Hunter Ultimate, which was OK but not really my kind of game, and so I've been playing Luigi's Mansion 2, which is really good fun. I vaguely remember playing the original on the GameCube, which was a long time ago.

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