Saturday 18 January 2014


It's not been a productive day. I didn't sleep well last night due to my nose being all tickly which led to snotting and sneezing, then the dog had one of his dramatic moments and would only settle down on my bed, which didn't help. My nose has been the same for much of today as well, it feels like one of my rare bouts of hayfever but I have no idea what's triggered it.

Pretty much the only thing I've done is finally get hold of a replacement casing for the car key after the unlock button finally fell off for good. It was only a few quid off Ebay and fitted right on, although I only put the button half on as it was a replica and didn't have the Peugeot logo on the other side.

The Xbox 360 has been playing up recently. The disk drive drawer won't open, and I have to lever it out. This hasn't done it much good and the silver front has broken now. Not sure how much longer it'll last, although it still reads disks fine once they're in. I've gone off the 360 quite a bit these days, the new dashboard with all the adverts was pretty much the point where I started to dislike it. The last thing I played on it was GTA V, which I got bored of quite quickly after I finished the campaign, and GTA Online didn't grab me at all. I did buy some gold to play something with Rob and Steve but that never really happened so it's still sitting around.

Also it's dawned on me that it's a right pain not being able to keep up with what everyone is watching. I don't have access to TV and the Internet connection is too crappy for something like Netflix, so I'm resigned to waiting for the DVD or doing the naughty thing, unless it's on iPlayer which works OK if stuff is downloaded. It's annoying to hear everyone banging on about stuff like Breaking Bad and suchlike without being able to join in the conversation.

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