Sunday 16 February 2014

Generator of trouble

It was an uneventful week until Wednesday, when there was a massive storm battering the building in work through the afternoon. The lights flickered occasionally but all was OK until the power went out at 4:50pm. The computer room was running on battery but we had to spent the evening making sure the generator was running and fuelled up. The power came back on after a while but the electricity company couldn't guarantee the supply would stay up, so we shut down a lot of stuff. There was about 10 of us who stayed until 8:45pm, and then we came back in early the next morning to power it back up again. The only casualty of the various power wobbles was a BladeCenter power supply. By the time I was heading home I was really hungry and as it was so late I got a Chinese, but I didn't feel guilty at all.

Thursday was not a productive day as I didn't sleep well and was very tired and took an early finish. I did intend to have a nap and watch some Breaking Bad, but ended up just reading and relaxing.

Friday was an awayday with our new director for the department, as there's been some shuffling around. It was the usual making people get to know each other thing, which was fairly typical. The lunch was OK though. Due to limited parking at the venue I had to leave my car on the street, and when I came back to it I found the central locking must have bounced as it had been unlocked all day - remarkably nothing happened to it.

In the evening it was my sister and her fiance's combined staghen evening, pretty much just an excuse to gather all their friends and go drinking around town. I didn't stay out for the duration, but did see a few places including a rather shady new venue called The Loft, which looks like it should be quite a nice little place but had some very weird hardcore techno going on, and some bizarre dancing which might have been explained by the little huddles of people swapping things around in a most suspicious manner.

Yesterday I headed over to my Dad's house as my cousin was over for the day, so we spent a nice morning chatting and having the traditional chips for lunch. After that it was over to Rob and Em's for Steve's birthday. The plan was to watch a movie and then get an Indian at the top of town, which worked out very well. The movie was Hot Rod, which I hadn't seen or really heard of before, but it was pretty funny, and the meal was as always in that place excellent. It was a really good evening.

Today has pretty much just been a Breaking Bad fest. I've finished Season 3 and got a good start into Season 4.

Not much else to report really. It's been a shit week for both diet and exercise and I've put on a kilo. Bit of a wake up call really, and I think the running class tomorrow is going to be very hard.

Had a really fucked up dream last night, where it was all quite disturbing, but the bit that was horrfying was at the end. I was in a sort of nightclub crossed with a haunted house, and there was a disco type thing and a bar, and various people dancing around and things. Then suddenly something happened, and everyone had to get out. But the only way out was to run down corridors and go through doors which led to rooms with horrors inside which you had to get past. I tried a door that said 'Sharks' and unsuprisingly there was a pool with sharks in it. The next door was labelled 'Psychiatrist' and then inside there were more doors with different types of therapists, and then one of them started to open and the therapist emerged but hugely deformed and mutated, and it was at that point I woke up in absolute terror.

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