Thursday 6 February 2014

Thwarted food cravings

Yesterday and today have been fairly busy days in work due to a system upgrade that's become rather more complex than it was supposed to. Oh well, my part of the work has gone smoothly today, although it's been a while since I upgraded a server to a new version of AIX.

I was determined to make chilli last night, and got the stuff on the way home to do so. Unfortunately I was just frying the onions when the gas ran out. The hob runs off a gas bottle since we're in the middle of nowhere, and it lasts a good long time. But it ran out just at the wrong moment. So I had to put all the stuff away and have spaghetti hoops instead. What a letdown. Fortunately watching four episodes of Breaking Bad helped distract me from it.

Tonight I managed to make the chilli and it came out pretty well. I tend to make a bit batch of it and then make myself sick of it for a few months. I then continued to watch Breaking Bad and have now finished season 2. So far I've really enjoyed it and it's certainly lived up to the hype. Can't wait to start the next season.

Not much else to report really. I was going to go for a repeat of Monday's run tonight but then I had to stay late in work to help a colleague troubleshoot a server issue, and by the time that was done, I didn't feel like it and came home to do the chilli. The plan now is to go to the gym tomorrow and do the run on Saturday morning before going to watch the rugby at Steve's. It's probably a good thing anyway because today I seem to be really aching from circuits on Tuesday.

I've put things in motion to shuffle my computers around again. This time the target is the M11x - it's a great little machine but I think I've finally outgrown it. I'm still chuffed with the Surface and the G73, no problem there, and the gutted Latitude is still running nicely.

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