Monday 10 February 2014

Run for fun or pain?

The running class was tonight. I had to stay late in work to assist with the ongoing server issue, but happily it looks like the work I did on the SAN has sorted it out, which is good news. I then headed to the running class. Tonight was three 8 minute runs. The first one was OK, even though it started out up a hill, but half way through the second one I got a nasty stich like I did last year, and it didn't go away. My calves also started to hurt quite a bit, so due to those and the stich it wasn't much fun, but I still did OK.

I've come clean to myself about how shite my eating has been over the last couple of weeks. I was deluding myself and in denial about it. I'm going to try and crack down on it again as I know I felt better when I managed to before Christmas. It's not so much what I eat as how much of it, so I went shopping after the run and picked up food for the rest of the week. I was hungry, which is not a good thing when you go shopping, but also feeling motivated, so I was reasonably inclined to shop sensibly.

I was thinking today about how much I enjoyed the first Mass Effect game, and how much time I dedicated to playing it a couple of years ago. I'd quite like to replay it but between Breaking Bad, South Park and exercise I haven't really got the time. I'm not hugely fussed about replaying the sequels though. The first one had something a little special that they didn't, although it's hard for me to define exactly what.

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