Tuesday 25 February 2014

Running variety

Friday evening it was down to Rob G's with the gang to watch the rugby, which was a surprising success after the dismal performance of Wales the week before. The evening was enhanced by chips from the local chip shop and also a red velvet cake, which was delicious. A great evening all round.

Saturday was a fairly unproductive day, apart from going to the gym in the morning, which was good. I went on the treadmill again but found it harder for some reason so I didn't run on it as long.

Sunday was off to Rhyl with Andy, Rob G and Chelsea so that they could do the 10 mile running race. Despite the fairly dire weather forecast it was quite warm and mostly sunny, with the only downside being the incredibly strong wind that was blowing sand all over the place. Chelsea and I saw them off and then hung around for a while until they came back. They did really well given the conditions, and we got a Subway before heading back.

The rest of Sunday was spent watching some more Breaking Bad, pretty much. Still enjoying it.

The running class on Monday evening wasn't quite as much a fail as last week. I did struggle at one point, when we went up the industrial estate. It's a long, gradual incline, and it just goes on forever. I had to slow right down for it, but once I got past the top, it was OK. Unfortunately I misjudged the kerb by the police station and took a tumble, scraping my leg and hand. I felt fine at the time and finished the run fine, but by the time I got home I was starting to feel various aches and pains, and I had to wash the road grime out of the cuts on my leg which really hurt.

Today has been reasonable, but it's been a bad day for eating, and my aches from the fall got worse, in particular my left knee, but hopefully I'll be OK for the gym tomorrow evening. I need to get as much exercise in the week as possible as this weekend is my sister's wedding so there'll be family stuff going on for most of it.

Developments on the house are suddenly proceeding. It's been valued by two separate people who nearly agreed. After saying this needed to be done for so long, it's somewhat disconcerting for it to suddenly be happening, and I'm suddenly very conscious of how much crap needs to be sorted out. My Mum's eyes are playing up again and if the treatment isn't as effective as last time then she won't be able to drive, and that's going to be a real issue.

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