Monday 21 January 2008

Fun with teleportation

The Orange Box arrived. I've spent the evening playing through Portal and it's the most fun I've had since Mario Galaxy. It's creative, entertaining and it has a screwy sense of humour. It's also surprisingly believable as the physics with the portals are so well done.

And I haven't even tried any of the other games, though I'm looking forward to Half-Life 2 which I started on the original Xbox but gave up on when I found I couldn't transfer the save to the 360. Hopefully there should be enough on this disk to keep me going for a while and I still haven't finished Mario Galaxy either.

Uncertain about hair. Half tempted to just shave it all off, but might see what the hairdresser can do with it. I wanted to go today but they didn't answer the phone for some reason.

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