Tuesday 15 January 2008


Tape libraries are fun things until they break.

MacBook Air: Expensive and impractical, sealed unit like iPod, no RAM or HD upgrades and non-replaceable battery. Shite, for posers only. In six years time, they'll be selling for pennies on Ebay, with dead batteries and failed hard drives, needing skill to repair them. Nothing's impossible, even the iPod Touch is openable with some care, patience, and a spudger.

iPod Touch apps: Cool, but why should I have to pay £13 for them considering they come on the iPhone (which is binary compatible) and new Touches?

Tom Cruise spouting nonsense. If this is Scientology, you can stuff it. I find it hard to watch films with him now because this is what I see.

An eye opening Flickr set. No matter how crappy you think your life may be, there's always someone else worse off.

If this guy becomes president, the United States is completely screwed. It needs someone who can begin to repair the damage Bush has done, not a complete religious nutbag.

Rain is causing problems, and isn't going away. Bah.

Got an old laptop running the OLPC GUI and it's quite interesting, and the word processor is the best thing for writing I've come across recently.

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