Sunday 20 January 2008


My Dad and my cousin came round this morning, which was good. Chatted about various things and I answered some questions my cousin had about her new laptop (a widescreen Compaq, actually quite nice). They didn't want to risk the car on the track and were intending to walk up but because the weather was so crappy I picked them up in the Discovery. Also took the dog out for a run in the field, and he got so worked up and hysterical he actually nipped my cousin. He's done that before to me on very rare occasions but only when he gets too over excited. Also played some Wii Sports which was good fun.

Although when I was playing by myself later on, I lost my Pro status in bowling - gutted. Also realised that playing Wii Sports by yourself can be very depressing.

Didn't do much after they left. I was all set to take the dog for a walk, and then it rained again, typically.

It's not been a good weekend for healthy eating, lots of cheesy pasta yesterday and cakes today. Hate it when my willpower breaks down, especially if I haven't been able to walk the dog. I can almost feel my belly swelling and becoming huge and flabby.

I dug out my AA battery charger today. It originally came with four NiMH batteries but I lost one pair and somehow slipped back into the habit of using disposables again. However I've ordered a new set of 4 rechargables. Sick of disposables and also if I can use the rechargables it all helps with the thriftiness. I have a lot of things which take AA batteries (Wiimotes, Psion Series 3, Psion Series 5mx, Tandy 200, Camera) so I might get another pack next payday.

Still carrying on with the Arthur Ransome reread fest. Just finished Missee Lee and The Picts and the Martyrs.

Currently listening to Stadium Arcadium by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. This was preceded by a load of Rammstein and Offspring tracks while I fecked around with backup software on my other Linux machine, for two reasons - first to have an actual working backup solution for my various machines, and second because I'm learning about the backup system in work.

What I'd really like is a free equivalent of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. There are a few things like Bacula, but they are insanely complicated to set up.

Sick of my stupid hair. Tempted to just cut it all off again. It's totally unmanageable, can't be made to look good, and enough has gone to make it look stupid.

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