Saturday 31 January 2009

The End

I completed Saints Row 2 today. I'm not going to say anything about the ending or the missions because I know people may be going to play it, but it's been good fun. Not bad for a game I never expected to take seriously at all, and really only got for a laugh. But it grabbed me in a way that GTAIV never did, and gave me pretty much a solid months worth of good entertainment. There's still plenty of activities and diversions left to finish off, but it's a bit sad to not have any more missions to do. It is nice to have a solid purple map at last though.

The character creation definitely helps draw you in, as you're playing with a character that is completely your own. I also think that Stilwater is a lot better than Liberty City. It's not as detailed but there's a lot more in it to find, and I keep discovering new things. I got a completely random achievement as I was driving along. The Final Countdown started playing on the radio, accompanied by my character singing along, very badly. It was quite funny.

The first game never really appealed, although I do own a copy. Now I'm wondering if I just never gave it a chance. At the time of course, it was up against GTA San Andreas, and seemed like an inferior game. Then came the serious and boring GTAIV and now I'm wondering if I should have a go on it again. Unfortunately when I started playing Saints Row 2 properly, I read up on the plot details for the first game to get an idea of what leads into the sequel. Apparently though they've started work on Saints Row 3 so that's something to look forward to.

Google had a bit of a cockup today, where every single site was listed as malware in searches. I noticed this myself and thought it was a bit strange.

Went round to Rob and Em's with Andy this evening to sort out more details for the America trip. We have now sorted out a hotel in Boston, which is good, but still need to sort out what we're doing in the gap in the middle.

It's cold. I hope it's not going to snow.

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