Saturday 16 January 2010

Back to normality, sort of

Last night was Maz's birthday bash, basically consisting of a mini pub crawl around Denbigh. It was a good evening all round, the only let down being the chippy closing early and Andy's awkward neighbours blocking my car in.

The snow has pretty much melted overnight, a huge relief. Spent most of the day at my Dad's in the house that they have now moved back to, but has been much altered so it's not really the same. Took the crap Ford stereo out of the Focus and fitted my ancient Sony one in using a cheap adapter. It's ten years old, and was originally bought to fit into my Fiat Cinquecento but after that it was moved into several cars before spending several years in Rob's old 205. Annoyingly it doesn't like CD-RWs, which is a bit of a pain.

Still need to fix the door, the local scrappy had a door card but it was the wrong colour, so I've ordered one off (inevitably) Ebay.

After that, came home and found the body for the paint experiment bass had arrived. Attempted to fit a neck to it, unwisely as I was feeling tired and quick to anger, so I had to give up as it was being remarkably awkward. I have however got hopefully all the stuff I need, such as various grades of sandpaper, primer, etc. It's going to be a dismal failure, but hey.

Got the new tube of Arctic Silver 5 for the Precision M65, but still awaiting the copper sheet so I can try the method of putting a copper shim between the GPU and heatsink to improve the heat transfer, to see if that stop the thermal shutdowns it suffers from if the GPU overheats.

In a weird state of mind, fluctuating between optimism and hope and depression. It's not good.

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