Wednesday 27 January 2010


My cousin's liver, blood and bone tests came back clear, so that's good news, but she's still going to have to have the masectomy.

Apple's released the iPad, which is a gigantic letdown in my opinion. Rather than an Atom based Mac capable of running OS X or Windows 7 with a multi-touch display, it's just a giant iPod touch, nothing more. Same platform, same software, same limitations and iTunes lockdown. I just don't really see the point of it. Steve Jobs did his best, but it just seems to be a solution in search of problem. Oh well, I'm sure it will sell and there'll be plenty of copycat products from everyone else.

Watched some more Battlestar Galactica. Season 2 is pretty good so far, and one thing I like about it is that it doesn't shy away from some quite gritty storylines. Good stuff.

Found a cheap iPod Shuffle 2nd generation for the car. Belkin make an adapter for the newest one that gives it a normal headphone socket and the buttons to control it but I think the whole idea of it is just so stupid I can't make myself buy one. The 2nd gen one will be fine for what I need it for.

Facebook is really flaky recently, I've lost count of the 'Ooops, something went wrong' messages I've had over the last week or so.

Feeling really tired today, was supposed to be going to the gym this evening but need to sort out a new programme and just didn't really feel up to it.

Need to practise German more, been letting it slip recently.

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