Saturday 24 July 2010


Geocaching is one of those activities that I sometimes wonder why it appeals. I went to a meetup in Rhuallt last night which was good, and then went to find a couple of caches with a woman from work and a couple of other people. Most were OK including one suspended above the A55, but then there was one we didn't get. It was dark, there were trees, pointy things, scratchy things, and nettles. One of those moments where you do wonder just why you do something. Still, it was fun and got me out of the house.

Alphasmarts are interesting devices. The Neo is exactly what I've been looking for, something with a great keyboard, decent display and no distractions. Then you just hook it up to the PC and it spews the text into whatever program is running at the time.

Rob's birthday bash in Chester today, can't wait. It's going to be good. Heading into town first to get a few things. Need a footpump for the bike, and some other stuff.

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